Timeshare Reviews, Complaints, Scams and Information

Timeshare Exit Bureau

The Truth About Buying and Exiting Timeshares

Timeshare Exit Bureau

Cancel Your Timeshare

Discover the perfect EXIT solution for your TIMESHARE! With over 15,000 satisfied clients, we specialize in connecting you to the most suitable EXIT companies. Let us help you confidently navigate your timeshare exit journey.


Tired of paying maintenance fees that keep going up?


Did you feel pressured into buying your timeshare?


Tired of never being able to book your timeshare?

You do not need to be stuck in a timeshare contract. You have options. Fill out the form to see if we can cancel your timeshare!

Get Out Of Your Timeshare

Based out of Irvine, California, Resort Advisory Group is a self-proclaimed full-service advocacy group that speaks to have a long record of helping their clients end their timeshare contracts both time-efficiently and legally.

When looking at the company website, it’s both flashy and fast-moving. Showing an informative intro video that captures their busy work environment. Their site allows visitors to locate any information about the company and their services provided. 

Also, the Resort Advisory Group website holds a small FAQ section allowing their possible clients to learn more details about their timeshare exit strategies.

Additionally, their website features a unique calculator that asks whether you have been informed of the actual cost of your timeshare. This is to help add to their business model, helping current timeshare owners cancel them off the basis of fraudulent misrepresentations during the selling of the property.

Resort Advisory Group’s 7 Step Process

Known as their 7 Step Process, Resort Advisory Group explains how the process of cancelling your timeshare will play out. From the initial consult to the final step of taking client testimonials.

Step 1

The first step to cancelling your timeshare with Resort Advisory Group is to complete a form that begins the initial ‘free no-obligation consultation’. This is an industry-standard. 

Step 2

The second step in the process is for an advisor to contact the potential client to review their timeshare contract. 

During this step, the Resort Advisory Group will begin to gather all needed information to help them better understand the contract and any uniqueness of the case. The company will also provide a booklet explaining the process and what would be needed to complete a proper assessment.

This shows a goodwill effort on behalf of Resort Advisory Group to carefully review each potential client’s case in detail before working with a potential client, which appears a favorable sign towards their legitimacy and credibility.  

Step 3

Thirdly, the advisor then prepares a file for the case advisor. Assuming the case advisor is a timeshare attorney, although this is not clearly stated on their website. While Resort Advisory Group does not claim to be a law firm, the company states that a timeshare Attorney and a Resort Advisory Group representative will contact a potential client to understand more about their case.

In other sections of the site, the company only mentions an “advisory” or “case advisor”, so this can be confusing for the average visitor to their site. It is a possibility that the attorneys are part of their professional staff or a third-party relationship, however, this is not made clear on the website.

Step 4

The fourth step is when the formal “case advisor” contacts the client to review their case and discuss their timeshare exit plan.

Step 5

Step number five completes when the case advisory sends a service agreement that authorizes their team of professionals to initiate the process of resolving the unwanted timeshare contract. This agreement will outline any fees necessary to resolve your case. Additionally, the company provides “fee escrow services,” meaning Resort Advisory Group will only receive payment if they successfully relieve the client of all timeshare liability. In other words, the company receives full payment only upon successful completion of their services.

Step 6 

Resort Advisory Group completes this step by providing the client with a letter from the developer that relieves them of all further liability upon successful resolution.

Step 7

The final step, number seven, is when the Resort Advisory Group asks the client for an honest testimonial to use as a future review. 

Resort Advisory Group Reviews

When examining their website, it’s not easy to find customer testimonials. However, the site does feature a list of written customer testimonials on the home page in the sliding banner. This might be overlooked by customers browsing the website. Like other companies, it’s uncommon to find negative reviews posted on the company’s own site. Therefore, we also reviewed the company on other platforms such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to gather more information about their practices and services.

As stated on the website, the company does have an A+ rating from the BBB. This is a favorable rating, however, Resort Advisory Group has had 8 complaints between 2018 and 2021. With only a total of 22 reviews.


Five of the complaints were specific to the products and services provided by Resort Advisory Group.  

Resort Advisory Group and its team actively engage in the customer complaint resolution process, responding to any negative customer experiences on BBB to maintain a good rating.

However, we have seen other timeshare exit companies completely ignore their current and former client posts on the BBB.

While doing our review, Google had a 4.3-star rating, out of 5 stars. That’s with a total of 32 reviews and the overall takeaway was positive reviews related to their transparency, quick communication time, and lack of pushy salesmen.

One of their reviews was allegedly written by a former employee who called the environment toxic and that Google reviews are mostly positive as the company provides gift cards to clients for positive reviews. We, of course, are not able to verify this claim.

A high percentage of past employees use Glassdoor.com, which is a place for past workers to leave reviews normally, so using Google isn’t common for that. Resort Advisory Group does not seem to have a profile on Glassdoor.com so are not able to find any additional reviews about the company’s workplace practices, company size or reviews.

Resort Advisory Group Cost

Though they don’t have a flat cost, more of a case-to-case basis, that’s not unusual for a timeshare exit company.

In exchange, they conduct due diligence in order to fully see all sides to a future client’s contact and other determining factors before figuring out an end cost. This is a fair practice.

Resort Advisory Group Process Time

Their website states a time frame between 6 and 12 months.

We encourage all our readers to read through reviews posted about their potential timeshare exit company so you can learn more about their practices.

Concluding Thoughts

It’s not unfair to come to the conclusion that someone needing to exit their timeshare contract would be skeptical of all companies, so we try to hold onto that mindset when conducting reviews on a timeshare cancellation company.

To conclude, we have clearly outlined steps, but the full experience with Resort Advisory Group remains unclear. For instance, the BBB created their review in 2011 and accredited them in 2016.

The company doesn’t seem to have a very big presence online and that’s not very usual for a business that’s been going for over 10 years. That’s why it’s hard to learn more about the company and the employees behind the busy scene on the business’s website.

If you decide to work with Resort Advisory Group, we encourage you to educate yourself as much as possible and prepare questions for your free “no-obligation” consultation when you contact them.

As always, we suggest you work with a timeshare exit company that provides low up-front fee escrow payment options. They allow service charges to be paid into a third-party holding account. Rather than the timeshare exit company themselves.

The low up-front fee escrow payment option allows the timeshare exit company to release the payment once they successfully cancel the client’s timeshare. This prevents any company from stealing a customer’s money.

We believe that finding a company with such a payment option is the best way to protect yourself from scams.

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