Timeshare Reviews, Complaints, Scams and Information

Timeshare Exit Bureau

The Truth About Buying and Exiting Timeshares

Timeshare Exit Bureau

Cancel Your Timeshare

Discover the perfect EXIT solution for your TIMESHARE! With over 15,000 satisfied clients, we specialize in connecting you to the most suitable EXIT companies. Let us help you confidently navigate your timeshare exit journey.


Tired of paying maintenance fees that keep going up?


Did you feel pressured into buying your timeshare?


Tired of never being able to book your timeshare?

You do not need to be stuck in a timeshare contract. You have options. Fill out the form to see if we can cancel your timeshare!

Get Out Of Your Timeshare

Table of Contents

01. Services Offered Title Transfer Services, Timeshare Debt Cancellation, and Customized Approach

02. Experience and ExpertiseDiverse Team of Professionals with Years of Industry Experience

03. Customer Reviews and Complaints – BBB Accredited with B+ Rating

04. Closing Thoughts – Links to Consumer Protection Networks’ SNS & Overall Rating Review

Consumer Protection Networks (CPN) presents itself as a company focused on helping clients exit their timeshare contracts, an industry that is often fraught with complexities and customer dissatisfaction. This deeper review of CPN aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the company’s services, customer experiences, and overall reputation.

━ Services Offered

Consumer Protection Networks (CPN) offers a range of services specifically tailored to assist clients in exiting their timeshare contracts. The key services they provide can be categorized into the following:

➤ Title Transfer Services

This service’s primary goal is to assist clients in legally transferring the ownership of their unwanted timeshare properties. Transferring the title relieves clients from ongoing financial obligations associated with the timeshare, such as annual maintenance fees. CPN actively works through legal channels to ensure the transfer of the timeshare title is lawful and efficient, considering the specific requirements of the timeshare agreement and the laws of the jurisdiction where the property is located.

➤ Timeshare Debt Cancellation

This service is specifically aimed at clients who are still under financial obligations related to their timeshare, such as those who have an outstanding mortgage or are behind on maintenance fees. CPN offers the expertise of legal professionals who specialize in timeshare contracts to navigate the complexities of timeshare debt cancellation. The process likely involves negotiating with the timeshare company or resort to reach a settlement that releases the client from their financial obligations. This might include legal strategies to challenge the validity of the contract or to negotiate a payoff amount.

➤ Customized Approach

Recognizing that each client’s situation is unique, CPN provides personalized consultations to understand the specific circumstances and needs of each client. Based on the consultation, CPN proposes a plan of action and a pricing model that is tailored to the individual client’s situation, ensuring a more targeted and effective approach to timeshare exit. This approach also implies a focus on customer service, ensuring clients are fully informed and comfortable with the process and options available to them.

These services demonstrate CPN’s focus on providing comprehensive solutions for timeshare exit, leveraging legal expertise, and offering personalized strategies tailored to individual client needs.

For those considering utilizing CPN’s services, it is important to engage in a detailed discussion during the initial consultation to understand the specific services offered, the projected timelines, and any associated costs. Due diligence, including reading reviews and possibly seeking independent legal advice, is recommended to ensure that the services align with your particular timeshare situation and exit goals.

━ Experience and Expertise

Consumer Protection Networks (CPN) brings a substantial level of experience and expertise to the timeshare exit industry, which is a notable aspect of their service offering. Here’s a look at their experience and the expertise they provide:

➤ Extensive Industry Experience

CPN‘s claim of over 15 years in the timeshare industry suggests a deep-rooted understanding of the market and its evolution. This duration of experience implies they have witnessed and adapted to various changes in timeshare laws, practices, and consumer trends. The timeshare market is known for its intricate contracts and often challenging exit processes. CPN‘s long-standing presence in the industry indicates they have dealt with a wide range of timeshare contracts and exit scenarios, giving them a broad perspective on handling different situations.

➤ Diverse Team of Professionals

CPN’s team likely includes professionals who have specialized in different facets of the timeshare industry, from sales and marketing to contract management and customer service. This diversity in expertise allows for a well-rounded approach to addressing client needs. The inclusion of legal experts in their team is crucial. These professionals are expected to have a thorough understanding of timeshare laws, both at the state and federal levels, and how they apply to timeshare contracts. They would be responsible for identifying legal grounds for contract termination or negotiation.

➤ Comprehensive Client Guidance

A critical service offered by CPN involves reviewing and analyzing timeshare contracts. Their legal experts likely examine contracts for any potential breaches, unfair terms, or opportunities for negotiation or cancellation. CPN’s team would use their legal and industry knowledge to negotiate with timeshare companies on behalf of their clients. This process can involve complex discussions and requires a strategic approach to reach a favorable outcome for the client. Given the uniqueness of each timeshare situation, CPN’s approach involves formulating customized exit strategies. This implies not just a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a plan that considers the specific details and circumstances of each client’s timeshare contract.

➤ Continuous Professional Development

In an industry like timeshare exit, laws, regulations, and market conditions can change. CPN‘s professionals would need to continuously update their knowledge and skills to provide effective services. Part of their expertise also involves educating clients about their timeshare contracts and the exit process. This includes making clients aware of their rights, the potential consequences of different exit strategies, and the realistic expectations for their specific case.

━ Customer Reviews and Complaints

Accredited by the Better Business Bureau with a B+ rating, CPN has been in business for 5 years. The BBB profile indicates an average customer rating of 3.51 out of 5 stars from 35 reviews. CPN has had 9 customer complaints closed in the last 3 years, with 8 in the last 12 months. These complaints provide insights into various challenges faced by some clients, including issues with service delivery and dissatisfaction with outcomes.

Date of Experience: May 18, 2023 – Norman P. (BBB Review)

Consumer Protection Networks did exactly what they said they would do. I am now free of my timeshares. It was worth the money. Paid approximately 4 years of maintenance fees to cancel but it was worth it. the Fees kept going up. Tucker was my sales rep. The only reason I gave them 4 stars was because they did not give me my gas $25 in a timely manner. I had to call Tucker to get it.

Date of Experience: August 18, 2022 – Mark W. (BBB Review)

I received an invitation in the mail from Consumer Protection Networks. I usually just throw these away but I thought since I haven’t used my timeshare lately I would go. After being told that new laws have been passed *** my maintenance fees would increase by hundreds even thousands to over a hundred thousand a year and because I attended this meeting I would be eligible for an early buyout if I signed up today to cancel my timeshare. I was told that they thought that the cost would be between 6 and 7 thousand. I was then told that if I didn’t want to proceed today then the early buyout would not be available and because I attended this meeting that they invited me to then the timeshare company would know that I had been offered this and declined. If that was the case I would not have attended this meeting. I felt like they were pressuring me into something that I only went to get some information about. I was not happy with the way they presented their product and would not be using them for any of their services. Beware!!!

Given the mixed reviews and complaints, potential clients should conduct thorough research, including reading customer testimonials and understanding the nature of complaints. It may be beneficial for clients to seek independent legal advice before engaging in any timeshare exit service. Clients should ensure they fully understand the terms of service, costs involved, and have clear channels of communication with the company throughout the process.

━ Conclusion

Consumer Protection Networks appears to offer a range of services aimed at helping clients navigate the challenging process of exiting timeshare contracts. While their experience and array of services seem promising, the mixed customer reviews and complaints suggest that experiences can vary significantly. As with any service in this industry, it is crucial for potential clients to perform due diligence, seek independent advice, and approach with a clear understanding of the potential risks and benefits.

Connect with Consumer Protection Networks today via their social media listed below:


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