Timeshare Reviews, Complaints, Scams and Information

Timeshare Exit Bureau

The Truth About Buying and Exiting Timeshares

Timeshare Exit Bureau

Cancel Your Timeshare

Discover the perfect EXIT solution for your TIMESHARE! With over 15,000 satisfied clients, we specialize in connecting you to the most suitable EXIT companies. Let us help you confidently navigate your timeshare exit journey.


Tired of paying maintenance fees that keep going up?


Did you feel pressured into buying your timeshare?


Tired of never being able to book your timeshare?

You do not need to be stuck in a timeshare contract. You have options. Fill out the form to see if we can cancel your timeshare!

Get Out Of Your Timeshare

Table of Contents

01. Vacation Ownership Exit Company Overview Missouri Based Timeshare Exit Company Since 2019

02. Customer Feedback and BBB Rating Not BBB Accredited and Lack of Online Customer Reviews

03. Consumer Advice  – Tips for Deciding on a Timeshare Exit Company to Hire

04. Closing Thoughts – Links to Vacation Ownership Exit’s SNS & Overall Rating Review

Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC, based in Branson, Missouri, positions itself as a company aiding individuals in legally dissolving their timeshare contracts. Their approach emphasizes honesty and integrity, as they aim to assist clients overwhelmed by timeshare agreements. In this review, we’ll examine the company’s offerings, customer feedback, and relevant legal context.

━ Company Overview

Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC emerged in 2019 as a company dedicated to assisting clients in the legal dissolution of their timeshare deeds. This service is particularly aimed at those who find their timeshare agreements burdensome, both financially and in terms of lifestyle flexibility. While based in Missouri, Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC offers their services nationwide, providing guidance to timeshare owners across the United States. Their central location allows them to cater to a wide demographic of clients, irrespective of where their timeshare properties are located.

Date of Experience: September 23, 2020 – Tena Skidmore (Facebook Review)

This guy is getting us out of a Timeshare from MO that the fees continue to increase and if we die that our kids will inherit this along with the fees yearly that they do not want. Call Steve today and discuss your timeshare. Tell him you read my personal review on how they are helping us. Just trying to help out as timeshares are a money pit

Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC markets itself as an organization built on the core principles of honesty and integrity. Their stated mission is to provide relief to clients from the constraints imposed by timeshare agreements, especially those formed with companies that charge high interest rates and do not prioritize their clients’ best interests. The company positions itself as an advocate for timeshare owners, helping them navigate the complexities of legally exiting their timeshare commitments.

➤ Services and Solutions

They provide assistance to both owners who have paid off their timeshares and those who still have outstanding mortgages. The company aims to eliminate all future payments, including any remaining mortgage, through their services. Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC offers a no-charge cost analysis for clients. This analysis uses maintenance fees, mortgage details, and the remaining duration of the mortgage to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) for clients considering their services.

The company advises clients on how to make the most of the vacation time they have already paid for. They explore various options depending on the location of the timeshare and the affiliations with exchange companies like RCI. A significant part of their advisory service includes guiding clients on how to rent vacation properties effectively, as opposed to owning them. This approach is focused on showing clients how to enjoy vacation properties without the recurring costs associated with timeshare ownership, such as maintenance fees, mortgages, transfer fees, rollover fees, and special assessments.

━ Customer Feedback and BBB Rating

Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC’s lack of customer reviews on platforms like the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a noteworthy aspect when considering their services. Customer reviews often serve as a barometer for the quality and reliability of a company’s services. These reviews can provide insights into the experiences of past clients, including the effectiveness of the service, customer support, and the overall satisfaction levels. In the case of Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC, the absence of such feedback creates a vacuum of firsthand client experiences, making it difficult for potential customers to form an informed opinion about the company’s services.

➤ Implications of No BBB Accreditation

BBB accreditation is a sign that a company willingly commits to maintaining certain ethical standards in its business practices. The absence of this accreditation may lead potential customers to question the company’s commitment to these standards. BBB accreditation also involves a degree of transparency about the business, including its practices, complaint resolution, and customer interactions. Without this accreditation, there is less publicly available information to verify the business’s claims about its services and customer satisfaction.

Many consumers rely on BBB ratings and reviews as a trusted source of information. A lack of presence on this platform can affect consumer confidence, especially in industries like timeshare exit services, where trust and credibility are paramount. Potential customers often compare companies within the same industry based on their BBB ratings and reviews. Without this information for Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC, it becomes more challenging to compare it against other providers objectively.

➤ What Potential Customers Can Do

Look for reviews and feedback on other platforms or forums where clients might share their experiences with the company. Potential customers could ask the company for references or case studies of successful timeshare exits. Examine the company’s online presence, including social media, to gather more information about their customer interactions and public perception. Engaging directly with the company can provide insights into their customer service approach and responsiveness. Seeking advice from industry experts or consumer advocacy groups can provide a broader context about the company and its standing in the industry.

━ Consumer Advice

Given these legal concerns, it is essential for consumers to proceed with caution when considering timeshare exit services. It’s generally advisable to be wary of timeshare exit companies that demand large upfront payments. These payments can be risky, especially if the company does not deliver on its promises. Often, the best first step is to contact the timeshare company directly. Many timeshare providers offer deed-back programs or other exit options that might be more straightforward and less costly.

Before engaging with any timeshare exit company, conduct in-depth research. This includes checking their track record, customer reviews, and any legal actions taken against them. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the Attorney General’s office are reliable sources for such information. If you decide to proceed with a timeshare exit company, thoroughly understand the terms and conditions of their service. Ensure that all promises and claims are documented in writing.

Consider consulting with a legal professional who specializes in timeshare contracts. They can offer personalized advice and help you understand your rights and options. Stay informed about your rights as a consumer. Be aware of common tactics used by unscrupulous businesses in the timeshare exit industry. If you feel that you have been a victim of a scam or deceptive practices, report it to the relevant authorities. This could include the state Attorney General’s office, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), or local consumer protection agencies.

━ Closing Thoughts

Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC presents itself as a solution for timeshare owners seeking to dissolve their agreements. However, the absence of customer reviews and BBB accreditation, suggest a need for caution. Potential clients should carefully research and consider all options, including direct negotiation with timeshare companies, before committing to services offered by timeshare exit companies like Vacation Ownership Exit, LLC.

Connect with Vacation Ownership Exit today via their social media listed below:


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