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Timeshare Exit Bureau

The Truth About Buying and Exiting Timeshares

Timeshare Exit Bureau

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Get Out Of Your Timeshare

Timeshares can be quite expensive. Many resorts will even reward you with free perks if you care to listen to their timeshare pitches. You should expect a hard sale, and the ‘opportunity of a lifetime’ to buy a timeshare vacation or some sort.

Most timeshare owners aren’t prepared to spend thousands of dollars at the end of the sales pitch. Worse, most of them don’t even have the money.

While the timeshare salesperson may recommend you take out a loan from the lender they recommend, what other ways can you finance a timeshare?

Should You Finance a Timeshare?

If you travel frequently, you have probably been pitched a timeshare purchase. The salesperson is probably pushing an on-the-spot purchase.

This type of purchase is a great way to get your new vacation home, but it will only cover your vacation for one day. In many cases, you can pay for this upfront with cash, credit card, or a personal loan.

But if you want to keep your vacation home for a long time, you might want to consider financing it.

Depending on your needs, you may be able to finance a timeshare using a credit card. Make sure you choose a credit card with a high limit and that it doesn’t have a high-interest rate.

You should also understand the terms and conditions before proceeding with this option. This option is ideal if you plan on paying the majority of the purchase with cash. But it’s not the best option if you have flexible travel dates and don’t want to take on the monthly payments.

While developer financing is a popular option for purchasing a timeshare, there are other options. There are many people who finance a timeshare using their home equity.

These loans typically are used for other investments or expenses, but they can also be used for timeshare financing. If you want to avoid putting your primary home at risk, consider a home equity loan to purchase your vacation property. A home equity loan is a great option for timeshare financing because you’ll have plenty of money to spend if you need it later.

Timeshare Lenders: Should You Consider Them?

timeshare lenders

One of the most common mistakes consumers make is to use credit cards to finance their timeshare purchases. While it may be tempting to use a credit card with zero interest, this isn’t always the best option. If you’re not sure about the credit card fees, it’s better to go through a reputable lender to avoid this trap. Using a credit card is easy, but be sure to read the fine print carefully.

Although timeshare loans are quick and easy to apply for, they come with high-interest rates, particularly if your credit score isn’t stellar.

According to the American Resort Development Association (ARDA), the average interest rate for timeshare loans is 14% per year. Some of them can even go as high as 20%. Additionally, salespeople may try to convince you to refinance the loan later, which means that your monthly payments will be higher.

While a credit card can be used for timeshare financing, it has some disadvantages. You should make sure that the credit card you use has a high enough limit and has an interest rate that’s competitive with other options.

Also, make sure you know all the terms and conditions before proceeding, as a missed payment could cause the interest rate to skyrocket. It’s also important to remember that a credit card can only be used for a short period of time, so you should consider this option only if you plan to pay for the majority of the purchase in cash.

Use an Unsecured Personal Loan to Finance Timeshare Purchases

The first thing to remember when using an unsecured personal loan to finance a timeshare purchase is that it will require you to have excellent credit. If your credit is good, you can get a card with a credit limit of $20k or more, but make sure the interest rate is low compared to other loan options.

Then, look for a card with an intro 0% APR, which will allow you to avoid paying interest on the timeshare purchase. This type of loan can be beneficial if you are planning to pay the balance in full in 6 to 21 months.

The interest rates on personal loans are higher than the rates on home equity loans, but they are much lower than those of timeshare agents.

Plus, you don’t risk your primary residence, which is an important factor in a timeshare purchase. You can apply for a loan online for as little as two thousand dollars, and you can get up to $100,000. The most important thing is to make sure the interest rate on your unsecured personal loan is lower than that of the sales agent or developer’s loan.

If you have poor credit, an unsecured personal loan may be the best option. While the interest rates on an unsecured personal loan will be higher than that of a home equity loan, they will be significantly lower than the rate on a timeshare agent’s loan. Also, an unsecured personal note will be much easier to obtain than a home equity loan, making it an excellent option for purchasing a timeshare.

Rent Out Your Timeshare to Raise Money

The first step in renting out your timeshare to make money is to negotiate the price with the renter. Make sure you have an agreement in place and collect all payments in advance.

You can use PayPal to accept payments from potential renters, but this method can be more difficult. To prevent problems, you should always treat renting out your timeshare to a stranger the same way you would any other business transaction. There are a few things you should do before you begin renting out your timeshare.

For example, if you own a timeshare and have several weeks of unused time each year, you can rent out your weeks. You will be able to cover maintenance costs, which is a great way to make money. However, you may not want to rent out your timeshare if you are in a situation where you can’t afford to pay for it all at once. Regardless of your reasons, renting out your property is a great way to make money by renting out your unused weeks.

In addition to renting your timeshare, you can also rent your property on Airbnb. There are many benefits to using an Airbnb listing. It can be convenient for renters and has calendars, but it is important to be aware that not all neighborhoods allow Airbnb rentals.

In this case, you should do some research and make sure it’s legal in your neighborhood. In addition, a legitimate escrow service can help you avoid any complications with the rental process.

Can I Finance a Timeshare With Bad Credit?

bad credit

One way to finance a timeshare with bad credit is through a personal loan. These loans require no collateral and the interest rate can be as low as four percent. You can get a loan for $2,000 to $50,000, but make sure you understand the terms before you sign on the dotted line. A personal mortgage or a timeshare loan is not a good idea if you have bad credit. A personal loan is the best option if you are able to pay for most of the purchase in cash.

If your credit score is poor, obtaining approval for a timeshare loan might prove challenging. Excellent credit increases your chances of loan approval. However, to qualify for a timeshare loan, you must have good or excellent financial standing.


Before applying for a timeshare loan, you should try to clear any large debts you have. This will help you get the approval you need. You should also make sure your budget will stay stable over the next couple of years. You should account for major changes in your finances.

If your credit is good, but you don’t have enough savings to cover the timeshare loan, you should look for other financing options. You may be able to refinance the loan with better terms.

Another option is to look for resale timeshares. These often have a better deal than buying directly from the developer. You may also be able to find lower rates if you purchase a timeshare through a resale site.